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Abacus Maths

574661773e166.jpgAbacus Maths

Abacus and mental arithmetic operation is not only an exercise, but also an effective training for the development of brains. It can develop cognitive thinking, and lay a solid foundation in mathematics. Abacus is most suitable for children who is absolutely no mathematical concept. Abacus training can establish the most suitable mental math model for children. The children think the symbol of number is abstract, through abacus training, they will definitely understand the value of the number and its value changed after operation. It can avoid the problem of which parents realized their children have confusion of numbers and its operations, or the weak of awareness of value after their golden age of learning abacus.

The golden age of learning abacus is 4-7 years old. Data from research shown that children begin learning abacus in 4-year-old can establish a faster and more long-lasting metal math modal than that those who start learning abacus in 6-7 years old.

After completing each level courses may take the Certificate Test (starting from the twelve grade)



-cert-.jpgTarget: 4 or above


(once a week): $ 200/per lesson (one hour per lesson)

(twice a week): $ 180/per lesson (one hour per lesson)

Teaching materials: $ 130 (including an abacus and a textbook)